- Publisher: University Press
- Edition: 4 hrs. 2 mins.
- Published: October 7, 2013
The West Wing is one of the most acclaimed network television series of the last decades, and until now one of the least analyzed. Janet McCabe’s fine work has addressed that omission with a concise and highly readable account that will be useful to anyone interested in American culture and media.” (Michele Hilmes, author of Network Nations: A Transnational History of British and American Broadcasting)
“This well-researched, clearly written, and informative view of The West Wing will be appreciated by both media scholars and TV aficionados alike. McCabe’s book follows in the televisual ‘Tradition of Quality’ exemplified by the primetime program itself. Combining behind-the-scenes insights with an integrative cultural studies approach, the volume focuses on the television industry, as well as on the show’s political and thematic relevance, televisual auteurism, and the aesthetic dimensions of narrative, characters, and TV stylistics. This volume could serve as a work of scholarship, a course textbook, or just a great read for fans of the best drama on network television.” (Frank P. Tomasulo, guest professor of television studies in the Department of Film at Sarah Lawrence College)